Tiancheng Shao

High School Student

Hi, I'm Tiancheng, a Senior at Montgomery Blair High School. In my free time, I go to the gym, practice Trombone, and code random projects. I like boba, keshi, and shopping at Uniqlo.

Math may be the language of the cosmos, but code is the language of the world. The very screen in which this is being read, or perhaps the printer in which it was printed from, was built off the backs of billions of nand gates. And yet, computer science is often scorned for impurity. No beautiful theorems, no perfect spherical cows flying in exact parabolic arcs.

But the world is not a perfect place. Balls are never spheres, and friction cannot be ignored. In the hellish nature of this world, where differential equations are never exact, the imperfection of code reigns supreme. Simulations are often good enough for our “real world”: Want to see if a bridge will fail? Simulate an earthquake in mere minutes, bypassing a mess of algebra, or a to-scale model.

Summer 2024

Code 673 ⋅ NASA Goddard

Worked as a paid intern under Mei-ching Fok at NASA GSFC. Analyzed the May 10th, 2024 storm, the largest of this solar cycle. Described how far particle flux was able to penetrate into earth's L-shells. Compared Linear Regression and LSTM models' predictive power in describing expected proton and electron flux using Longitude, Lattitude, AE, DST, etc. from WIND Sattelite, ISS, and Kyoto's Data services respectively.



Machine Learning

Unix Shell


Summer 2023

Internship ⋅ CISESS at UMD

Worked as a Paid intern under Jun Dong, and Sirish Uprety. Used U-net, an image segmentation algorithm, to find the borders of iceberg A73, which calved from the Larson-D ice shelf in 2020. At the time, it was the largest iceberg ever sighted. Training data was labeled by hand. Size, rotation, and location were calculated. Results were presented at the 104th Annual American Meteorological Society Meeting.



Machine Learning


Data Analysis

Fall 2022

Internship ⋅ UMD

Worked as an intern under Dr. Surja Sharma. Used LSTM to predict DST, a measure of the strength of Earth's Ring Current, with Bz, Vx, and other WIND satellite parameters.



Machine Learning

View Resume

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Exploravision ⋅ Blair Magnet

In a group of 4, we explored novel applications of an existing technology. In our case, we applied thermoacoustic cooling to car engines, as an energy efficient method to dump engine heat.



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Helper Functions ⋅ Stat

I wrote various helper functions to describe various topics in AP statistics.


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MTFC ⋅ Math Modeling Club

Worked in a group of 5, predicted how climate change could affect the profitability of ski resorts. Continued by researching how cyber attacks could affect small businesses, and various coping methods.



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2048 ⋅ Passion Project

I wrote a 2048 clone with raw HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Site is hosted on Netlify, as a subdomain of tanchan.xyz.





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Solitaire ⋅ Passion Project

Wrote a Solitaire website using raw HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Work in progress. Site is hosted on Netlify, as a subdomain of tanchan.xyz.



